Thursday, May 16, 2013

Light Beam

Light Beam

Everything is deeper than it seems. It is and isn't a dream, just a never ending stream in-between. One single light beam, we are all on the same team. No such thing as kings and queens, it's all supreme. Impossible to run out of steam. There is no scheme, it doesn't matter what anything means. When we all want the same gene, we tend to wean down to the obscene, turn into mean teens and to nothing are we keen. Everything is deeper than it seems.

Monday, April 22, 2013

A Perfect Line

An artist's dedication to perfection ought to get respect 'n yet it's questioned.
Sliced up by disection until they die and then get affection.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Don't Mistake Me

I am vindicated and without a vindictive vengeance.
So I'm unanticipated by the senses.
Don't mistake my tendency to hide for a form of pride.
I've always participated.
This is my experience and I made it.
Every single original thought I created.
Never bought but wrought because I'm patient.


Monday, April 15, 2013

Move On

Most do what they think is good parenting,
The few who don't stink and aren't parenting.
We know that's truthful.
Can we move on and speak on something more fruitful?
Those who are ambitious are often suspicious.
Those who are lazy are often mentally hazy or crazy.
Got it.
We know that's truthful.
Can we move on and speak on something more fruitful?
Some are dumb cuz everyone assumed their sum before they were done.
Some are smart because either nobody or everybody loved them from the start.
We know that's truthful.
Can we move on and speak on something more fruitful?


Pick Your Battles

I may not win every battle but I'ma choose the ones I lose.
You do have a choice.
Don't you make me use my mom voice!
Most of you other people remember me.
I try and make it a good memory.
Give off good energy.
I don't hide from your judgment.
I don't think I'm above it.
I'm not an enigma,
It's just my independent mind is a stigma.
That's fine.
I just can't stand in line with the masses who spiritually evolve like molasses. I would not have survived past twenty-five. No way I'd be alive.

Monday, March 4, 2013


Since I got here, I've been bought.
So, I thought.
What have I been taught by being bought?
That I am
am not
worth a lot.
I found a spot.
Sat and sought through thoughts.
Called out the frauds and all their shots.
All their oughts and ought nots.
They used them against me,
so I fought.
If not, they'd leave me distraught.
Now those who thought they bought me got caught.
It's God thats got me,
so stop.
You can't stick shit in my slot.

Made It

You didn't think I would make it.
Did you think I'd sit back and take it?
I'm brighter.
I'm a fighter.
You better bet I'm a writer.
I make use of a pen.
Recite truth from within.
Need proof?
Ask my friends.
This isn't pretend.
I'm a little intense,
but don't mean or take offence.
You need some cents?
Here's two;
something dense to chew,
we're all alone.
It's just you.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

We're Here


The illusion of fear,
Deserves inclusion here.
We agreed for it to re-appear,
To re-experience being freed my dear.
Seclusion bleeds out the fear,
Until you let love steer.
Then, you see so clear,
You walk about like you're not here.
You won't let delusion be choosin your career.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


When will we realize to self-aggrandise isn't wise,
but a slide to self demise.
Let an enterprise buy your life to get by,
until you die.
Then they consider it a prize to look in your eyes,
and tell you their goodbyes.
Real fucking wise guys.
When will we realize we're being chastised,
by the spy's with the best disguise.
Why admire the best liar then,
act surprised by their cries.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Choices are often hard but without them
we'd be bored.
With peace, we wouldn't need memories stored
we'd be bored.
If we cease to move forward
we'd be bored.
If war were no more
we'd be bored.
No disease to be cured
we'd be bored.
Not a thing to hoard or watch in horor
we'd be bored.
Without all these chores on board
we'd be bored and we'd be no more.

Money Maker

Banks are the reason our nation sank.
History's biggest prank.
We can feel it about to tank.
Wish I could kill the big ones slowly with a shank.
The Federal Reserve,
there's a death that's deserved,
with nothing left to preserve.
Let's let the last meal be served.
So you say what they portray can't be curbed.
They got you disturbed okay.
Whatever it takes to make you perturbed they'll pay.
Hell, they configurate the goin' rates today anyway.
But they underestimate the power of a well placed word.
When it's heard,
it moves herds with so much haste,
 it's absurd.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Why do we need predictability?
Why not just wait and see what we get for free?
Could be better than what we can conceive,
in our biggest dreams.
When we don't get what we think we need,
We run out of steam.
It's barely merrily down this stream.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Pressure Us


Take pleasure in pressure on myself.
Measure the stressor itself.
Whether it's treasure on my shelf or worth the delve.
I've been caged up.
Been upstaged and enraged by a long war waged.
Engaged to be aged,
but that threat level has been gauged.
They say that I've changed, that I'm deranged.
But I'm strange.
My brain has not been arranged by the strains of pain.
So fuck the vain.
Give 'em a chain.
Make 'em train in the rain.
Shouldn't that entertain?
We've all gone insane.
The best are all depressed.
They cease to be impressed.
It seems that we've regressed,
because there's no reason we should be so stressed.
Even the poor are blessed in the US,
but we're bored nonetheless.
Even while we're being caressed,
we want more confessed.
But by God,
we are the best.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Constant Resistance

Constant resistance in resentment,
with seeming contentment.
By no means infinite,
but definite infringement.
The distance between us can change in an instant.
We bring an installment of insurgents against us.
Then give them a pendant,
call them all independent
but wake up a minute,
it's to hell you've been sent.
And you sent yourself,
so sit and repent.
You created this fence and its contents.
Change spent getting bent.
on top of abandonment.
Now you're left with,
Constant resistance in resentment.

Easy Peace

I'll be at ease when celebrities cease to speak for me.
I'll be a peace when any information is free.
It's freaky to me.
Quickly we went to weaklings
While enemy's were winking.
We've used our time for thinking.
Wake up.
The wounds are stinking.
Crucified any muse who's cared,
 life's like musical chairs.
So wisely choose your king, 
the music might be stopping.
I mean,
 we know who killed our pop king.
Just so we keep shopping.
It's shocking.
Watching these ships docking.
We've got to stop the shit talking.